A book about Carl Knif Company’s first decade was published in 2022. The 80-page book introduces the Company’s journey on the Finnish contemporary dance field through various interviews and stories.

The book is written by communications expert Jaakko Pyykönen, with contributions from Carl Knif, Marjo Pyykönen and graphic designer Susanna Raunio. Translations by Lingvia Translations.

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Carl Knif Comapny’s jubilee exhibition

The vi­sual cross-sec­tion of Carl Knif Com­pa­ny’s his­to­ry was first seen in May 2022 in Dance House Helsinki. Ima­ges and costumes from va­rious Knif’s works were also on display in Kuopio Dance Festival in June 2022 and at Espoo City Theatre in November 2022.

Teemu Kyytinen produced a video of the Helsinki exhibition. It can be found here.