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Josef K is arrested on his thirtieth birthday. He never finds out what he’s accused of. He never gets to meet the judge. All of his attempts at proving his innocence are met with scornful laughter. He is, in short, in a nightmarish situation.

Processen (The Trial) by Franz Kafka is a surrealistic tale of humanity’s fight against bureaucracy and authority. Directed and choreographed by Carl Knif and adapted by Christoffer Mellgren, the work becomes a humorous dance theatre piece. Fabian Hedlund stars as Josef K.

A new take on The Trial by Franz Kafka

Carl Knif’s works are known for their beautiful yet grotesque body language and their original and warm humour.

Franz Kafka (1883–1924) began writing The Trial in 1914, but the work was only published post-humously in 1925. The first Swedish translation was published in 1945, followed by two other translated versions, the newest of which was published in 2010.

Direction & choreography Carl Knif
Text Christoffer Mellgren
Ensemble Karin Li Körsbärsdal, Kajsa Reingardt, Rita Lemivaara, Lars Bethke, Fabian Hedlund
Scenography Erik Salvesen
Costume design Helle Carlsson
Light design Sofie Gynning
Composition & sound design Janne Hast

Premiere 8 December 2023.

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