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Fugue in two colors is a study of the eternal relation between dance and music. The co-production with Helsinki City Theatre is a non-verbal contemporary dance piece for seven dancers. The rich, rambling, expressive dance is based on the improvisatory method Carl Knif has invented and in this piece it meets the very exact form of Dmitri Šos­ta­ko­vitš’s preludes and fugues. 

Cho­reog­rap­hy: Carl Knif
Dan­ce: Jon­na Aal­to­nen, Jyr­ki Kas­per, Pek­ka Lou­hio, Hei­di Naak­ka, Mik­ko Pa­lo­nie­mi, Anna Stenberg/Terhi Vaimala, Ee­ro Ves­te­ri­nen
Set and light de­sign: Wil­liam Iles
Sound de­sign: Jan­ne Hast
Cos­tu­me de­sign: Ka­ro­lii­na Koi­so-Kant­ti­la
Pho­tos: Yos­hi Omo­ri
Ima­ge pro­ces­sing: Mar­ko Mä­ki­nen
Co-pro­duc­tion: Carl Knif Com­pa­ny & Hel­sin­ki Ci­ty Theat­re

Pre­mie­re: 12.10.2020 at studio Pasila, Helsinki

Du­ra­tion: 60 min

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